
Published on:

23rd Oct 2018

Bhagwat Session 25

The synopsis has been divided into two parts because of the length.

- Story

- Points to Ponder 

Shrimad Bhagavata Mahapurana

Synopsis of the Twenty-Fifth Session

Bhagavata Chaturth Skanda (Book Four)

Chapter 8 to 12 


Sub Story:

Once a man got lost in the desert and soon his water supply also got exhausted. He had no clue where he was and what direction to go to. At that time in a distance he saw a hut, he was worried, it could be just a mirage, but with faith in heart he walked towards the hut. 

To his delight the hut was there, no one was inside, but there was a water pump. He tried to work the water pump, but no water came out. He was about to give up and accept his faith, but at the time he saw a nicely sealed bottle of water. 

He rushed and was about to drink the water when he saw a note saying, put this water in the pump and later re-fill this bottle with the water from the pump and leave it here.

This man was in a dilemma, what if, he thought, the pump did not work and this water also got wasted. He would die for sure. But, between these two difficult choices, he decided to work the pump. It did, so much water came out that he had more than he could consume. After drinking he safely filled the bottle and kept it secure for someone else to use.

On the note, he added his own lines to the existing message;

“Trust me, it works.”

Ponder Now:

When we are reading the scriptures, they are shouting out a message, only the person who has had the courage to delve deep would actually tell you;

“Trust me, it works.”

It is but, a choice we make, to trust or not to trust. You have to walk in faith, because the experience comes a lot later in the journey.


Family Tree:

We have been reading about the the decedents of Manu and Shatrupa. We read about 3 of his daughters by the name of Prasuti, Akrtuti and Devhuti. He also had two sons;

- Uttanpad 

- Priyavrat


Uttanpad had two wives Suniti and Suruchi. Suniti had a son called Dhruv and Suruchi had a son called Uttam. (Uttam was killed by a Yaksha)

Dhruv had two wives Bhrami (Daughter of Sisumara) and Ila (Daughter of Vayu). Bhrami had two children by the name of Kalpa and Vatsara and Ila had two children by the name of Utkala and a daughter. 

After Manu, Uttanpad ruled and after Uttanpad, Dhruv followed by Utkala were crowned the King. 



Uttanpad had two wives Suruchi and Suniti. He was madly in love with Suruchi and totally ignored Suniti. Not only this, he made a separate palace for Suniti so that he would not have to see her much.

He used to love Suruchi and cajole Uttama the son born from her. One day when he was playing with Uttam, Dhruv his other 5 year old son, born from Suniti happened to enter the palace and desperately wanted to play with Uttanpad his father. He tried to climb up to the lap of his father, but out of the fear of upsetting Suruchi, Uttanpad did not even look at this little boy. 

Not only this, Suruchi pulled him away and shouted at him saying, that if he ever wanted to sit on the throne Dhruv would have to do severe penance and be born from Suruchi’s womb. This not only hurt Dhruv, but angered him as well. Hurt broken and hurt by the behaviour of his father and step-mother he ran to his palace, straight to his mother.

Nor, Suniti heard about what had happened. She was crying bitterly, but as soon as Dhruv entered she stood up and hugged him. She told him your step-mother has said nothing wrong, praying to God is the way forward. 

This little boy of 5, asked his mother, how do I pray, how does he look, what do call him. His mother said he has many names, you can call him Vasudev, Govinda, Hari, Gopal. He will come for sure, if you call him. 

Dhruv took leave of his mother, and went to the forest calling out the Lords name. At that time God asked Narad Muni to go and help him. Narad muni, first tried to deter Dhruv from going on and asked him to go back home. But, when he saw the this little boy was adamant and would not turn back until he met the Lord, he gave him guidance to accomplish his desire.

Dhurv was interacted by Narad Muni to go to the backs of Yamuna and do his tapa in Madhuvan in Mathura. Everything from how many dips to be taken to what was to be eaten was explained. He also gave Dhruv the Mahamantra that was to be chanted;

‘Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya’

Dhruv went on and undertook major tapas. Narad Muni went to meet Uttanpad. Uttanpad had realised his mistake and was ashamed and sorry for his behaviour. He was worried about his son. Even Suruchi was feeling extremely horrible for her act. Narad muni assumed all of them that Dhruv was alright and will come back soon, after he meets God.

Dhruv on the other hand, went on with his tapas. The devtas tried to deter him by scaring him with wild animals and ghosts. However he did not give up and went on with his tapas, till one day he stopped eating and was standing on one toe. This was causing the earth to tilt. He soon stopped breathing, and it just so happened the that three worlds started getting suffocated. At this the Devas prayed to God and finally Lord Vishnu appeared in front of Dhruv.

However, he was focused on the form he saw in his heart, so Vishnuji removed that form and Dhruv opened his eyes. The Lord had come sitting on Garuda (who is the personification of the word) and saw that Dhruv wanted to sing his praises, hence he touched Dhruv with his conch (which have the knowledge of the Vedas) and Dhruv sang to his heart’s content the glories of the Lord.

Later, he said that he did not want anything from the Lord, but his bhakti. However, the Tapas was undertaken with a desire to have the highest position in the world. Hence, the Lord granted him the Dhruv Loka (Pole Star).

Dhruv went back and ruled his kingdom well. Uttanpad took Sanyas and went to the forest. One day news came that Uttam was killed by a Yaksha named Guhyakasa and Suruchi got burnt in a forest fire.

This angered Dhruv and he raged a war against the Yakshas. The battle was gruesome and it went for days. Many Demi-Gods died. Till Swambhu Manu, the Grand father of Dhruv came forward and calmed him down. Telling him that just cause of one Yaksha why should all be destroyed. Dhruv understood and stopped the war. The Yaksha King Kuber and Dhurv forgave each other and became friends. 

Dhruv was a just ruler and ruled for 36000 years after his fathers reign for 30000 years. Later, he went to do his Tapas handing over the kingdom to Vatsara, the younger brother of Utkala, as Utkala did not want to get involved in the material world and was basking in the glory of the Lord. After years of Tapas, at Visala near Ganga, Sunanda and Nanda two helpers of the Lord came to take him in a golden chariot, Yama also came. Dhruv stepped on the head of Yama and got on the Chariot. He was told on inquiring about his mother Suniti, that she was in a chariot in front of them. This chariot took Dhruv to the Dhurv Loka (Pole star) which is even visible today. It is more dazzling than the heavens. 

One day, it is written in one of the other Purans that Narad Muni visited Dhruv Loka, and was surprised to see that the Throne was empty, the crown was on the floor and Dhruv was sitting in a conner and weeping. Narad Muni, could not believe his eyes. Dhruv had all, that even the Gods envied him, yet he was crying.

When asked he said,

As a child I saw the Lord, however I asked of him of worldly material glories. I regret, why did I not ask the God for God himself, and only his Bhakti. 

Narad Muni, left overwhelmed and said the there is no greater devotee then Dhruv. He sang the glories of the Dhruv even to the Pracetas.


Shrimad Bhagavata Mahapurana

Synopsis of the Twenty-Fifth Session.. Continued

Bhagavata Chaturth Skanda (Book Four)

Chapter 8 to 12 


Points to Ponder:

As we have mentioned before the 4th book is addressing 4 aspects of Human pursuit. 

- Dharma

- Artha

- Kaam

- Moksha 

The first 7 chapters dealt with Dharma. What is our Dharma as a Manusya and as we all would like to call our selves Grahastas.

Pls Note: 

No where our scriptures deter us from Artha (wealth). Dhan Arjan, or earning wealth is not considered wrong. However, one has to be very vigilant of how the wealth is gathered (means of earning) and how and where it is spent.

Ones a sound base of Spirituality and Dharma has been made, one can go on with the other pursuits. In the following few chapters we will deal with ‘Artha’. 

Uttanpad and his Two Wives

Suniti means Sound and Good Principles and Suruchi means Beloved Desires. Dhruv the son of Suniti means Steady and Strudy. Uttam the son of Suruchi means Favorable Joy. Uttanpad here lets go of Principles and was floating around chasing his desires. 

Is it not the case with all of us? We seem to be living only for our selfish desires. Our desires rule. In the ecstasy fo fulfilling one desire after another out life gets wasted.

Any Principle that comes between the fulfilment of our desires and us are conveniently shown the exit door.

A life driven by desire or a Life lead with Principles?

Suniti and Dhruv

Suniti is an ideal mother. She was suffering, as was disowned by her husband and the words Suruchi used while chiding Dhruv, pierced her heart too. However, she did not let her frustration get the better of her.

As a mother, she took the good from the bad that was being said and directed her son towards God. Her composure and presence of mind, during a trying situation was commendable. At the same time, she did not let hatred for Uttanpad, Suruchi and Uttam, take any place in Dhruv’s heart.

Mothers play a very important role in shaping a child. Time and again our scriptures give examples of such great mothers. A mother has the capacity of make a Dhruv.

We have to question ourself time and again;

- Are we doing justice to the immense responsibility that the universe has put on us?

- Are we preparing the next generation of Dhruvs?

- Are we like leaking buckets, where the excitement of the present, anxiety of the future and the regret of the past and taking aways our energy?

- Do we let our frustration get the better of us?

We have to remember,

‘Satyug aap nahin aayega, 

Satyug ko hum laenge.’

Dhruv - What age is apt for Self-Realisation 

We always feel that after we do this, we will walk the path of self realisation. We keep telling ourselves that now is not the age to pray to God.

So, when is the Age?

Dhruv was only 5 years old and he attained Self-Realisation in the shortest duration of 6 months. 

Who knows, how much life we have left?

The sooner one starts the better. Self realisation and spirituality do not take us away from life. They help us lead a better and a fuller life.

Dhruv and Narad Muni

‘Guru Govind dono khade,

kake lagu pai,

Balihari guru aapki,

Govind diyo milaye.’

God and My guru are both standing together, whose feet should I touch. Oh my dear Guru, it you because of you whom I have been able to reach God.

Take the leap of faith and the net will appear. Walk firmly on the path, by Gods grace, you will be provided with the company of sages, saints, gurus, good people, who will guide you on the path which will lead you closer to the divine or the divinity within.

In Ramayan, in Sunderkand it is written, very clearly, when while searching for Sita Ma, Hanumanji reaches Vibhisan’s house. Vibhisan on seeing Hanumanji, a messenger of Ram says;

‘Aba mohi bha bharosa hanumanta, 

Binu hari kriapa mile nahin santa.’

‘I confident that this is all a result of Shri Ram’s Grace on me. For, one can never meet a saint without Shri Hari’s Grace.’

Dhruv and Swambhu Manu

‘Nindak neeyare raakhiye,

aangan kuti chavaye.

Binu pani sabun bina,

nirmal kare savaye.’

Keep a person who criticises you very close to you. Because, by showing you, your faults, he/she cleans your nature and character, without the use of soap and water.

In Ramayan, in Sunderkand it is written, very clearly that;

‘Sajiva, baida gura tini jau priya bolahi bhaya asa,

raja dharma tana tini kara hoi begib nasa.’

‘When a minister, a physician and a religious preceptor, these three use false and pleasing words from fear or hope of reward, the result is that kingdom, dharma, health and faith all get destroyed.’

Over here, Manu came and gave correct council, not thinking whether Dhruv will like it or not. This saved Dhruv from a great blunder.

In the same way, rather the despising people who say thing that we don’t like or are not what we want to hear, we should appreciate them and keep them close.

It is more dangerous to have ‘Yes Men’ around us. 

Dhruv and Kuber

‘Sona sajan sadhujaan,

toothe joore sau baar.

Durgam Kumbh kumar ke,

Ek jhatke aye daarar.’

Gold, good people and God loving people, break and join many times. But, the evil people are like the earthen clay pots, which ones pushed, break and can never be mended.

Dhruv and Kuber were in the middle of a horrible battle when senses dawned and they withdrew there forces. 

Not an iota of bitterness remained after that, they befriended each other as if they were never enemies.

This is the sign of a great soul. The hearts of great souls are unable to hold grudges.

If we take a knife and itch something on the stone. It will stay for a very long time. However, if we take the same knife and itch something on a sandy beach, as we are itching it will get wiped out by the wave. Nothing will remain.

You might feel that something is being written and retained, but if you look closely it is not. 

Dhruv - His Tapas

Dhruv initated his Tapas with alot of vengeance in heart. He wanted name, fame and a pedestal higher than all his fore fathers. 

But, during the course of his spiritual journey. Slowly and steadily the negativity started to slip away. 

His heart started becoming pure and clean. Slowly he started moving towards his Sat-Chit-Anand Swaroop. 

Then there came a time when God revealed himself. At that moment, all he wanted was never ending devotion to the supreme Lord.

Hence, no matter what the reason maybe, that gets you to the path. As you walk deeper, nothing but universal Love will fill your heart.

Dhruv, his Desire and his Regret

‘Nath sakal sampada tumhari,

mai sevak sameth suth naari’

‘God all that belongs to me is yours, 

I along with my family am your servant.’

Most of us turn to the God to fulfil our material desires and wants. He blesses us with what we so desire and wish. Inspite of that, are we not all losers. 

Dhruv felt he made such a massive mistake by praying to God to fulfil his desires. Inspite of getting the Divine Dhruv Loka he was miserable.

When by asking you can get anything from God, why not ask for God and his never surging Bhakti. 

Duryodhan took everything that belonged to Krishan and Arjun all he wanted was Krishna.

We all know what followed..

Jai Shri Krishna 🙏

Jai Hanuman 🙏

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About the Podcast

Shruti Says
As I learn I share my humble learning.

- Ramcharitmanas (Ramayan)- 33 Episodes (Currently conducting session)
- Bhaj Govindam - 23 Episodes
- Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran - 65 Episodes
- Geeta - 29 Episodes
- Sunderkand - 7 Episodes
- Vibhishan Gita (Completed) - 15 Episodes
- Navratri - Inner Awakening (Completed) - 1 Episode

Why this Endeavour?

All machines come with manuals, we read the manuals before we operate them. However, this complex machine called ‘human’ is used without any guidance. The scriptures are the ‘Manuals for Humans’. The sooner we ‘Understand’ them, the better the type of life we will lead and better directed our pursuits will be.

We are sitting on a store house of rich scriptures. The wisdoms that abides in them is immense. However, most of the time this precious knowledge is kept covered in an orange cloth, in a sacred corner and removed occasionally for chants and obeisance.

The effort here is to make these a daily read for us. We should be able to pick up any scripture, Just like one effortlessly picks up a novel, magazine, newspaper, etc. any time, anywhere, read, interpret and experience it.

As one of the saints once said,

How long are you going to read other people’s experience?

When will you experience it yourself?

There can be multiple interpretations. Delve deeper into your very being and after that constant musing, what is it that you feel this reveals?

Details on the Books;

Bhaj Govindam

This is a hard hitting composition to awaken us by the great Guru Shankaracharya.
My learnings from Bhaj Govindam is a written expression, kindly refer to the notes below the audio.

Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran

This is a Mahapuran, written by Vedvyasaji and narrated by his son Sukhdevji to Raja Pariksit.
Note: Pls refer to the notes to see which Skanda and chapter the session talks about. Currently we are in the 9th Skandh or Book.


This is widely known, and is a part of Mahabharat. It is a divine dialogue between Shri Krishna and Arjun.
The sessions are verse 24 onwards. Verse from 1 to 23 were not recorded, as at that time we had face to face sessions.


This is a part of the Ramayan. Here, the great devotee Hanumanji, shows us essence of devotion. We are referring to the Tulsi Ramayan - RamcharitraManas

Vibhisan Gita (Complete)

This was done while understanding Shri Ram in Bhagwat, however the material was taken from Ramayan
- Vibhishan Gita (Part of Tulsi Ramayan - Lanka Kand - Completed)

May God's Grace Flow

About your host

Profile picture for Barkha Khandelwal / Barkha Sharda

Barkha Khandelwal / Barkha Sharda

I am Barkha by name, there are various ways one can introduce ones self, a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend etc in simple words, a house-holder.

The other way would be to put forth my qualifications and career. Well, from that point of view, I am an MBA from IIM-Lucknow. Have had a short stint in 'Gillette', later worked in ‘Coca-Cola’ and post which I started my own venture by the name of ‘Good Life Endeavors’.

However, the corporate world is the thing of the past as of now. It has been years since the profession was left for a Vocation and a career for a calling. I have found immense solace in learning and narrating from the scriptures.

The journey of a Story-Teller and a Sadhika (an aspiring devotee), has been an experience, which is difficult to put in words. I will just let,

"What comes from the heart go to the heart"