
Published on:

20th Nov 2018

Bhagwat Session 29

Shrimad Bhagavata Mahapurana

Synopsis of the Twenty-Ninth Session (Prthu Story completed)

Bhagavata Chaturth Skanda (Book Four)

Chapter 21 to 23


‘What other position (beyond the heavenly region, in Vaikuntha) could be beyond the reach of those mortals who, though their span of life on earth is so uncertain, attain spiritual wisdom, which indeed leads to God-Realisation.

Alas! he has been badly deceived and is proving his own enemy, who having attained with great difficulty the human state, capable of yielding the fruit of liberation, becomes a slave to the pleasure of the senses.’



After the Darshan of Shri Hari and befriending Indra, Prthu returned to the Kingdom and was welcomed in a grand manner by his citizens. Prthu was not only pious of heart but blissful to look at. His divine features were more prominently visible, as he had abstained from wearing ornaments. 

He recounted his own experience for the benefit of the people and while he was talking to the citizens, in his own kingdom descended the Sanaka brothers. Blessed by their sight, he requested them impart the divine knowledge and instruct him on how to get liberation in this very birth.

The were delighted by the question. It is very rare that student worthy of the guru’s knowledge appears. After imparting the divine wisdom, they went away as subtly as they came. 

Prthu ruled and when his sons were ready to take care of mother earth. He and Archi Devi departed to the woods to practice asceticism and both departed to the Vaikunth Dham.


Pearls of Wisdom:

Though poor that householder and house is blessed where the feet of Lords devotees are washed. 

Worthless like the tree harbouring venomous serpents are those houses though replete with all kinds of riches, are not hollowed by the holy water washing the feet of Lord’s devotees.

King Prthu’s Question

How salvation can be attained in this very birth?

What to ask when we meet a Sage?

The questions can only be as intelligent as the questioner. To the knower of God, can we ask about the mundane material concerns. When he is capable of giving the treasures of the world, how naive can we be only seeking mere stones and pebbles.

Sage Sanaka tell Prthu;

‘A very good enquiry has been made by you, even though you know the answer, your heart being given to the the good of all living being for such is the bent of mind of the virtuous.

The meeting of pious souls is thought highly of both by themselves and by those who meet them; for worthy questions put to and the answers given by them enhance the happiness of all.’

Sage Sanaka and brothers impart wisdom to King Prthu

1. Absence of attachment to things other than the self and intense love for one’s real self, the attribute-less Brahm, have been finally concluded to be the only way of salvation to man.

2. The love for attribute-less Brahm as well as the absence of attachment to the world of matter, both as cause and effect, is easily ‘DEVELOPED’ through intense faith.

  - Through the discharge of duties consecrated to the Lord.

  - Through the desire to know the higher truth.

  - By being firmly established in the yoga of knowledge.

  - Through worship of Lord of Yoga

  - By every listening to the stories of the Lord

  - Through a distaste of the company of those delighting in money and sense-enjoyment

  - By avoiding wealth and sense-gratification esteemed by such people.

  - Thought love for seclusion when finding delight in the self.

  - Through the enquiry into that which is conducive to one’s spiritual welfare

  - By practicing the 12 forms of Self discipline*

  - By observing the 12 religious vows*

3. When the love for Brahm gets firmly rooted one restores to a worthy guru. (When the student is ready the teacher appears)

4. Just like the fire consumes the very source from where it has originated, he dissolves the subtle body (Ego), which envelops his pure self. Just like;

  - The dreaming man no longer sees the things of his dreams when he wakes up.

  - When the mirror is present one perceives the difference between the self and the reflected image.

5. Constant preoccupation with wealth and the object of senses means the Ruination of all the interest of men.

6. There can be no greater loss in the world to a man than the Ruination, though one’s own self, of the soul, for whose sake everything else becomes dear.

7. Know him to be your very self - The Lord who shines as the all pervading ruler of the Jiva.

8. Surrender your soul one make Vasudeva your refuge. Make the feet of Lord Shri Hari your boat and cross the ocean of misery, which is infested with fierce crocodiles in the shape of the 5 senses and the mind.

King Prthu’s Gratitude

What shall I give you, when everything belonging to me, even myself, has been graciously allowed to me by you?

My life, spouse, sons and house, kingdom, army, land and treasury - all this I offer at your feet as something already belonging to you.


Jaago Grihastha Jaago 

‘King Prthu and Archi Devi were Grihasthas - House holders

- He performed all his duties, at the proper time, in the proper place, in the proper way to the best of his ability and resources as an offering to God. 

- Resigning the fruit of his actions to God with a concentrated mind.

- Regarding himself as a witness of all actions and beyond the realm of Prakrti, he remained unattached to everything.

- While remaining the house holder and endowed with imperial fortune, he was free from egotism and conceived no attachment for the objects of senses. Even as the sun though shining on bog etc, does not get daubed with it.’

“Na jag chodo na hari bhulo,

Karam kar jindagani mai.

Jiyo dunia mai yo jese,

Kamal rehta hai Pani mai.”

Spiritual Wisdom - Lucid as the water of Ganga 

‘Having got rid of his self-identification with the body and realised the true nature of the Self, and freed of all cravings he gave up the pursuit of even that wisdom by which he had been able to tear the veil egotism.’

‘Beliefs are required to detach people from their worldly misguided attachments. Sanskaars are also a Sadhan. The purpose fo belief is not to create an inanimate, obstinate machine with rigid mindset. 

Sanskaars are to be given up ones they have fulfilled their purpose of controlling wrong tendencies.’

Love for the Divine is the only thing possible to rid us from the clutches Sanskaars.

Jai Shri Krishna 🙏

Jai Hanuman 🙏

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About the Podcast

Shruti Says
As I learn I share my humble learning.

- Ramcharitmanas (Ramayan)- 3 Episodes (Currently conducting session)
- Bhaj Govindam - 23 Episodes
- Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran - 65 Episodes
- Geeta - 29 Episodes
- Sunderkand - 7 Episodes
- Vibhishan Gita (Completed) - 15 Episodes
- Navratri - Inner Awakening (Completed) - 1 Episode

Why this Endeavour?

All machines come with manuals, we read the manuals before we operate them. However, this complex machine called ‘human’ is used without any guidance. The scriptures are the ‘Manuals for Humans’. The sooner we ‘Understand’ them, the better the type of life we will lead and better directed our pursuits will be.

We are sitting on a store house of rich scriptures. The wisdoms that abides in them is immense. However, most of the time this precious knowledge is kept covered in an orange cloth, in a sacred corner and removed occasionally for chants and obeisance.

The effort here is to make these a daily read for us. We should be able to pick up any scripture, Just like one effortlessly picks up a novel, magazine, newspaper, etc. any time, anywhere, read, interpret and experience it.

As one of the saints once said,

How long are you going to read other people’s experience?

When will you experience it yourself?

There can be multiple interpretations. Delve deeper into your very being and after that constant musing, what is it that you feel this reveals?

Details on the Books;

Bhaj Govindam

This is a hard hitting composition to awaken us by the great Guru Shankaracharya.
My learnings from Bhaj Govindam is a written expression, kindly refer to the notes below the audio.

Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran

This is a Mahapuran, written by Vedvyasaji and narrated by his son Sukhdevji to Raja Pariksit.
Note: Pls refer to the notes to see which Skanda and chapter the session talks about. Currently we are in the 9th Skandh or Book.


This is widely known, and is a part of Mahabharat. It is a divine dialogue between Shri Krishna and Arjun.
The sessions are verse 24 onwards. Verse from 1 to 23 were not recorded, as at that time we had face to face sessions.


This is a part of the Ramayan. Here, the great devotee Hanumanji, shows us essence of devotion. We are referring to the Tulsi Ramayan - RamcharitraManas

Vibhisan Gita (Complete)

This was done while understanding Shri Ram in Bhagwat, however the material was taken from Ramayan
- Vibhishan Gita (Part of Tulsi Ramayan - Lanka Kand - Completed)

May God's Grace Flow

About your host

Profile picture for Barkha Khandelwal / Barkha Sharda

Barkha Khandelwal / Barkha Sharda

I am Barkha by name, there are various ways one can introduce ones self, a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend etc in simple words, a house-holder.

The other way would be to put forth my qualifications and career. Well, from that point of view, I am an MBA from IIM-Lucknow. Have had a short stint in 'Gillette', later worked in ‘Coca-Cola’ and post which I started my own venture by the name of ‘Good Life Endeavors’.

However, the corporate world is the thing of the past as of now. It has been years since the profession was left for a Vocation and a career for a calling. I have found immense solace in learning and narrating from the scriptures.

The journey of a Story-Teller and a Sadhika (an aspiring devotee), has been an experience, which is difficult to put in words. I will just let,

"What comes from the heart go to the heart"